NaNoWriMo 2012

So I was all set to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. I spent most of October laying out the outline for a YA Paranormal/Dystopian centered around a post-apocalyptic North America, and fairies from Faerie who come to help bring the land back to life. I was so excited to write this story that I could feel it fighting to get out of my mind and onto paper (or computer screen?) for people to read! But then, on November 1, when I sat down to write… I hated every word I typed. 
So a week went by with no writing towards my 50,000 word goal. And then another week went by, and then I started writing, and I couldn’t stop! But it wasn’t the story I planned to write. In fact, it was an old story idea that I had months, maybe a year ago, that was in my mind begging for me to finally write. So I sat down at the computer, opened up a new Word document, and typed my little heart out!
And so, My Favorite Mistake was born, a YA Contemporary Romance that is just not what I planned to write! But I can’t get the story out fast enough. While I’m cleaning around the house, boom! There it is, a new scene, a new chapter! Laying in bed at night trying to sleep – and I can’t because I want to know what happens next! I’ve got the writing bug bad…
So I’m updating my story chapter by chapter on my Figment account (Link HERE). I’d love it if my fellow YA readers gave me some feedback – if you’re on Figment let me know, i’d be happy to read your work as well. 
Here’s the Synopsis of my story. (please remember this is an uber work in progress. I’m really not doing much editing past grammar/spelling.)


Vivienne Lockhart has lived a life of luxury, and her two-bedroom apartment in NYC with her best friend, Bell is just another extension of her parent’s wealth. While attending college in Manhattan, Vivienne meets Evan Green, the sexy guitarist for one of the most in demand metal bands in the city. Vivienne starts making decisions that begin to worry Bell, including starting a relationship with Evan while she’s still with Landon. But Vivienne swears there’s nothing going on and that her heart still belongs to Landon – sixteen hundred miles away. When Christmas rolls around and Vivienne finds herself alone for the holidays at home in Connecticut, she meets an unlikely friend in Lux Hawthorne, the outcast goth chick from high school. Vivienne’s determined to prove to everyone that money isn’t everything and that you cannot buy happiness. Sometimes happiness just finds you when you’re the most broke.

I hope to see some of you over on Figment! It’s a great place to get started writing if you have aspirations to write YA like I do!

Happy Reading (And Writing!)

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